Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Fitting One Page When Zooming On Microsoft Word 2007

So, the screen resolution on my computer is set to 1600 x 900 and when I want only a single page on MS Word 2007 with a small zoom, it always wants to fit 2 pages side-by-side. I don’t know if the little things in life bother you like it does me, but this is really annoying.

I’ve seen other people say try this and that, and it usually didn’t work for me. But then, as I was formatting another project of mine, I stumbled upon a quick, easy, and perfect solution.

Okay, to fit only one page on the screen, despite whatever zoom you have, whether it’s size 10% zoom or 110% zoom, here’s what you do:

1. Open your document.

2. Set the zoom percentage (%) to whatever your heart desires.

3. Then, go to either the (View) tab or the 5-squares of views at the bottom, right corner, next to the zoom bar.

4. Click (Web Layout). This will change the format to HTML view, but should not harm the actual content of your document.

5. After that, click (Print Layout--the default view), et violĂ !

Behold! A Single Page. Oh the simple joys of getting what you want. Well, at least for me. If this doesn't work for you, let me know and I'll help you out!


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