Sunday, April 14, 2013

Welcome to my page!

Bear with me while I get everything set up...

But while you're here, let me tell you what will be going on on these pages.

  1. The Symbol of Aura Series.
    • This will have updates and information regarding the my novel series.
  2. Updates & New "Stuff"
    • I'm still deciding on whether to keep this page or not. We'll see.
  3. ...And Other Random "Stuff"
    • You know how you go to YouTube or, looking for one thing, but then, an hour later, you find yourself looking at something totally different and off the wall...this is where I'll put that randomness that I find on the web and in life.
  4. Endless Rambling
    • This page is for those deep conversations or those philosophical mind blunders I may encounter.  
  5. Poems
    • I don't have many poems, but this is where they'll be.

This is going to be fun! LOL

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